ATB: Combat Sports News
4 min readApr 6, 2021


2021 March Recap & An Outlook For April:

Combat sports is in full bloom as the year steadily progresses. With championship bouts and big time rematches. March left fight fans on the edge of their seats, wanting more.

First off, the UFC. Over 48 fights were hosted in March, including 4 title bouts between UFC 259 and UFC 260. But two fights in particular took the spot light. At UFC 259 Amanda “The Lioness” Nunes entered the octagon to prove why she is queen of the jungle. Nunes was taking on another UFC all star, Megan Anderson. After the sound of the bell, Nunes quickly took control. Landing several devastating punches and strikes. Once the “Lioness” landed an overhead right, shaking Anderson, it was time to pounce. Within a matter of seconds, Nunes was wrapped around Anderson forcing her to tap. Defending her title, and leaving us with the question, who will defeat Amand Nunes?

The second great fight for the UFC took place March 27th at UFC 260. Where Francis “The Predator” Ngannou looked to take the Heavyweight title by force against Stipe Miocic. After losing to Miocic back in January of 2018 by a decision win, Ngannou was out for blood and revenge. The man who entered that octagon was not the same man who entered in it 3 years ago. Since that loss, Ngannou had put in intensive physical work to build an absolute machine that would not lose. On March 27th, Miocic and Ngannou met to decide who would be undisputed.



ATB: Combat Sports News

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